Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hi! Remember me?

It's been quite awhile since I've posted anything on here but I thought you should know I'm still alive and kicking. More than that, I've been bitten by the photography bug and it's causing many changes in my life. Over the next few months, my main photography website will be redesigned to be more easily viewed and if you are so inclined, you will even be able to purchase some of my photos. Or if you like, just take a peek when it's finished and let me know what you think!
The roller coaster I'm on has still not slowed down enough for me to hop off so I'm still hanging on for life's ride. I hope some of you will join the ride and if you ever need a photographer to document moments in your life, give me a call!

My youngest daughter, Kelly, graduated from the University of Notre Dame May 22nd, 2011. It was a wonderful weekend and we're very proud of her and of all our children as they journey into the lives God has planned for them.